Image © Brian Rees

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Friday 23 September 2011

Red Deer Rut update.

Yesterday, after a visit to the doctor's, despite still being unwell, I ventured to Bushy Park to see how the rut was progressing there.

There was a lot of bellowing and thrashing antlers through the ferns to decorate them from the testosterone fuelled stags.

By next month it should be hotting up.

Anybody that is still interested on coming along for a trip would do well to add me on Twitter, @JaiGrieve  as I regularly tweet my adventures and misadventures!


  1. Jealous. So very, very jealous.

  2. Hi Jai,

    We were there last Saturday. Some of the Big Boys (Red Deer) are well kitted out for the rut. There is one particular specimen who is rather evil at the moment he has had a go at several unwary people.
    No doubt when the situation hots up he may not be so frustrated.

