Image © Brian Rees

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Wednesday 24 November 2010

Winter Wonderland Photography and People.

Okay, my first blog is here, and it's about people photography!

The other day my friend Andy Andy's images and myself travelled into town to capture some images at the Winter Wonderland taking place in Hyde Park. Now I'm not sure if it was our approach or something else, but the people of London seemed more stand-offish than compared to the other day's shooting in Brighton with another fellow photographer Nadine. Nadine's Blog
Although in Brighton we boldly approached strangers and asked them if we could take their photograph, whereas by contrast in London we wanted to take a more candid approach.
The light wasn't the best and the choice of lenses was difficult, I opted for taking a full frame 35mm body with a 135mm f/2.0 and 85mm f/1.2. Andy on the other hand went for two bodies, a 1.3x crop and 1.6x crop respectively, along with a 70-200mm f/2.8 IS (VR) and what I think was an 17-85mm f/4.0-5.6 IS (VR)
In retrospect I think the wider angle Image stabilised option was the way to go in this situation, but we live and learn! If I can get back there at some time I'll be taking a tripod and the 17-40mm and fisheye.